User Registration Information

Anyone who wants to buy or sell stamps at Stamps2Go must register as a Stamps2Go user. All users are automatically signed up with buyer status. Seller status is optional. During the registration process, you will be asked for the following information:

User ID

Your User ID is used to identify you to other users at Stamps2Go. It must be between 4 and 10 characters long, and may include letters, numbers, and underscore characters. Letters used in your User ID are not case sensitive. If you select a User ID that is already being used, you will be notified when you submit your registration, and an alternative User ID will be suggested. You may use this suggested User ID, or try something different. Once registered, your User ID may not be changed.


A password will be required to log in to Stamps2Go. It must be between 4 and 10 characters long, and may include letters, numbers, and underscore characters. Letters used in your User ID ARE case sensitive. Re-entry of your password is required to make sure it was entered correctly. Once you have registered, your password may be changed at any time.


Select the country where your orders will be shipped from the dropdown box. Note that you must reside in a country served by the PayPal payment service. If your country of residence is not listed, then PayPal service is not available to you, and you may not register as a user at Stamps2Go .


Enter your full name, as you would like it to appear in your shipping address. Your name and address information is never viewable to browsers of the Stamps2Go site. It is only provided to a seller to be used as a shipping address for an order.


Two lines are allowed for a street or post office box address. This should be the address where orders will be shipped.


Enter the city name where orders will be shipped.

State or Province

Users in the United States or Canada must select their state or province from the drop down list. Or, enter the first character of the state or province name until the desired name appears.

Zip or Postal Code

Enter your postal or zip code. In the United States, you may enter a 5 digit zip code, or the zip + 4 code. For Canada, enter your postal code using the standard format of "M3M 3M3" using upper case letters. Residents of other countries may enter the postal code that is appropriate for their country.

E-mail Address

Enter a valid E-mail address where you can be contacted. This should be the same E-mail address you use (or intend to use) with PayPal. In order to complete the registration process, you will be required to respond to an E-mail sent to this address.

Register as Buyer

This check box is automatically checked. All registered users of Stamps2Go are assigned buyer status.

I accept the terms of the Buyer Agreement

If you have not already done so, please read the Stamps2Go buyer agreement by clicking on the View Buyer Agreement link. As a buyer, you are obligated to follow the rules and guidelines described in this agreement. If you agree to these conditions, check the box labeled 'I accept the terms of the Buyer Agreement'.

Register as Seller

If you wish to register as a seller, check this box.

Some additional entry fields will appear on the screen which are only required if you are registering as a seller.

I accept the terms of the Seller Agreement

If you have not already done so, please read the Stamps2Go seller agreement by clicking on the View Seller Agreement link. As a seller, you are obligated to follow the rules and guidelines described in this agreement. If you agree to these conditions, check the box labeled 'I accept the terms of the Seller Agreement'.

In-Country Minimum Order Amount

If you do not want to set any minimum order amount, set this field to $0.00. If you wish to set a minimum dollar amount for domestic sales orders, enter the amount in this field.

Keep in mind that some buyers may want to place a small order (often times for less than $1) just to "test the water". They may be leery about placing an on-line order with a strange seller, and just want to see how the seller handles the transaction. By accepting any order, no matter how small, you may be gaining a new customer who will place larger orders in the future.

I Will Accept Out-Of-Country Orders

Check this box if you would like to receive orders from buyers outside of your home country. Keep in mind that different postage rates and fees may be involved when selling internationally. See International Sales for more information about selling out-of-country.

In-Country Minimum Order Amount

You may establish a separate minimum order amount for out-of-country orders. Due to the additional requirements when shipping internationally, we recommend that most part-time sellers set a minimum order amount to make sure that an out-of-country order is worth the effort.

Phone Number (optional)

Users registered as sellers who have items listed for sale are encouraged to enter a phone number. This is an optional field. Your phone number will never be given to another buyer or seller - it would only be used to contact you in the event you have a sale pending and you have not responded to your sale notification E-mail.